How to Plan Your Vision Board: 3 Essential Questions

by | Jul 1, 2024 | heart, vision board

Vision boards are well known as a simple and enjoyable way to help visualize your goals and reach them sooner.

An inspiring article on “treasure mapping” (an equivalent term) appeared decades ago in Nautilus magazine, published by the Unity organization. It illustrated the success of several people who had used these spiritual and practical principles to establish businesses or reach other milestones.

Mark Prophet, a popular spiritual teacher who founded The Summit Lighthouse, followed those recommendations. His wife Elizabeth discovered his treasure map in an old scrapbook after his transition to higher realms, and noted that his dreams had come to life in many different ways.

More recently, this concept featured prominently in the book and movie entitled The Secret, featuring numerous celebrities and business leaders, and the success of these productions popularized “the law of attraction” worldwide.

Professional coaches in many fields recommend that their clients create detailed vision boards, and some develop programs to mentor them in applying these methods.

So if you are on your own, how do you get started on the process?

Here are three essential questions to address:

1. Will you create a physical or digital vision board?

Something as simple as a posterboard, a door or wall space, 3-ring binder, notebook or photo album plus a stack of magazines, scissors, glue or tape, sticky notes and a few colored markers can be enough to get you started on capturing your ideas immediately.

Man and woman creating vision board

If you prefer a digital toolset, there are many choices, both free and paid. There are some simple and attractive vision board templates on and all you need is a free account to access a variety of design elements, images and fonts which represent the desires of your heart.

There is an app called “Treasure Maps” in the Apple App Store, and one in Google Play for Android users. These provide some spiritual affirmations on various topics plus images from and are easy to personalize in a few minutes, including the ability to upload your own images and enter your own brief text affirmations.

2. What image sources will you use?

Physical images can come from magazines, flyers, photographs, drawings, printouts of digital images, etc.

Cut and paste images, words and phrases which match what you want to create in this world. Images may be resized on a photocopier at your local library or print shop if necessary.

A quick search on for “vision board” or “inspirational quotes” can provide many examples of design layouts and phrases to get your creative juices flowing.

desk with image on computer

Here are a few good digital sources of royalty-free images in the public domain to get you started on your first (or next) vision board or treasure map:


3. What affirmations will you add?

Add appropriate personal affirmations and expressions of gratitude, always vividly detailed and in the present tense. For example, “I am gratefully enjoying my ideal… which….”

This can make an enormous difference in the speed and effectiveness of your visualization and manifestation processes.

Choose expressions of your personal hopes, deepest dreams and highest aspirations.

Then watch and listen for things to happen directly or indirectly in your life, perhaps in unexpected ways.

A Personal Example

Last winter I needed a set of new tires for my car. I taped to my vision board a photo of a set of four all-season radials cut out from a flyer, including the sale price and a detailed description of features.

However, weeks passed without finding what I was looking for, and some frustration crept in.

One morning, following a friend’s wise guidance, I decided to add some more specific affirmations and spend extra time speaking them twice daily, visualizing intensely and with certainty how these tires would look on my little car, and how my driving in snow storms would be much easier and safer.

Very soon after that, my mechanic called to say he had finally found a good set of tires in the unusual size I needed, at a price that was a pleasant surprise. They were installed a couple of days later, to my great relief.

I definitely expressed my heartfelt appreciation for the results, and it inspired me to continue to do the same with the other items on my vision board.

Next Steps

Once you have clarity in these areas, you will find it much easier to create a vision board that assists you on your journey to your chosen destination.

The animated digital versions can be replayed on your cell phone whenever you have a chance to review your goals and restate your affirmations.

Doing so out loud and with enthusiasm each morning and evening accelerates the manifestation of your desired outcomes. Claim your victory with confidence in loving Divine Providence.

Woman creating vision board

You might also consider playing inspiring classical music in the background as you do this, and enjoy the way it lifts your spirit above and beyond the everyday necessities.

If you have a physical version, you can simply take one or more photos of it so you can review whenever and wherever you like.

Revise often as things come to mind, and keep a record as your goals are reached. You can revisit this list for encouragement whenever your energy needs a boost.

Pass on these ideas to those you care about, especially children, and design vision boards for yourself, plus work and volunteer groups, sports teams, partnerships, marriage, family, etc.

Always remember to express your loving gratitude as you co-create with the divine and fulfill your soul’s potential, individually and in community.

Enjoy the journey!

Public domain images credit to unsplash and pixabay.